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1.- Why are you doing this?
2.- What are the environmental benefits of using degradable bags?
3.- What are degradable packaging films or carrier bags made of?
4.- How long does it take?
5.- How does the additive work?
6.- And if there isn’t any oxygen?
7.- What exactly happens – and what is left – when the packaging film or the bag degrades?
8.- Are they, therefore, biodegradable?
9.- So will it disintegrate in my kitchen drawer?
10.- You say the process releases CO2 but, as it is a greenhouse gas, isn't it bad for the environment?
11.- So what happens in a typical landfill site?
Degradable Packaging and Bag Questions & Answers
We do not support littering but as the majority of the packaging applications and carrier bags do not end in a controlled way of disposal, the way to make the bags degradable helps the environment.
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